Facebook May Soon Be Offering Casino Gambling to Its Members
In the near future, gambling could be an activity available on Facebook. The reason for this is International Game Technology has recently acquired Double Down Interactive for up to $500 million. Double Down Interactive is an internet casino games provider that currently provides Facebook with non gambling social “casino-style” games. However, later this year, these non betting games could be played with real money.
The deal is anticipated to be concluded at the end of March and will consist of $250 million cash, $85 million in retention payments and an additional $165 million cash that will be payable during the next 3 years if Double Down is successful at reaching its financial goals.
As it stands now, in terms of popularity on Facebook, Double Down Casino ranks fourth. Thus, due to the fact that Double Down is a top casino product on the social networking giant, introducing real-money wagering in jurisdictions where it is legal is certain to be a lucrative opportunity for those involved.